Affect Mind (Cha)

Force Skill: Requires the Force-Sensitive and Alter feats
You can use the Force to alter a target's perceptions or make a telepathic suggestion in another character's mind.
Check: The result of an Affect Mind check sets the DC for the target's Will save. (Note that this skill works best on weak-willed characters. Those with good Will save bonuses are harder to fool with “Jedi mind tricks.”)
ResultWill Saving Throw DC
Up to 45
Declare whether you're attempting to alter perceptions or make a suggestion when you make your Affect Mind check. If the target's saving throw fails, you can do one of the following things.
Alter Perceptions: This creates a simple false stimulus, such as a brief sound or a fleeting image, detected by a single person and lasting no more than a single round. It is generally used to distract an opponent, which can also have the effect of a feint (see Bluff, page 77). Note that the targets receive a +2 circumstance bonus on their saving throws for every additional person beyond the first that you want to detect the false stimulus.
Obi-Wan Kenobi uses this application of the skill in A New Hope to distract the stormtroopers aboard the Death Star.
Suggestion: This is the classic “Jedi mind trick,” allowing you to make an otherwise unpalatable suggestion seem completely acceptable to the target. You must be able to communicate with the target, and the suggestion can't obviously threaten the target's life. The target won't realize later that what he did was unreasonable.
Obi-Wan Kenobi successfully uses this application of the skill to get past the stormtrooper checkpoint in A New Hope. Jabba the Hutt and Watto both make their Will saws against this application of the skill in Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace, respectively.
Retry: No. You can attempt to affect the mind of the same character in another situation after time has passed. but not in the same encounter or scene.
Special: You can take 10 when making an Affect Mind check, but you can't take 20.
A character with the Mind Trick feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Affect Mind checks.
The range for Affect Mind is 10 meters.
Time: Affect Mind is a full-round action.
Vitality Point Cost: 2 (alter perceptions); 4 (suggestion)

Battlemind (Con)

Trained Only; Requires the Force-Sensitive and Control feats
You can increase your prowess in combat, using the Force to enhance your concentration and commitment in battle.
Check: A Battlemind check grants a Force bonus on attack rolls as shown on the table below. You can decide to select a bonus that's less than the result you achieve.
Result Force Bonus to Attack
Up to 4+1
Special: You can take 10 when making a Battlemind check, but you can't take 20.
A character with the Mettle feat and at least 1 rank in this skill gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Battlemind checks.
Time: Activating Battlemind is a move action. The Force bonus lasts for 10 rounds (1 minute).
Vitality Point Cost: 2 plus vitality points equal to the bonus achieved. So, if the result provides a +2 Force bonus, the vitality point cost is 4.

Drain Energy (Con)

Requires the Force-Sensitive and Alter feats
You can deplete power packs, energy cells, and similar power sources of energy, rendering electronic devices and powered weaponry useless until the power source is replaced or recharged.
Check: Your Drain Energy check sets the DC for the target’s Will save. Unattended items are automatically drained, as they don’t get to make a saving throw. A character gets to make a Will save for an item that he or she grasps, wears, caries, or is using when the Drain Energy check is made. Droids are considered to be unattended items for the purposes of the check.

Result Will Saving Throw DC
14 or less 10
15-24 15
25+ 20
On a successful save, the target item is unaffected. On a failed save, the item’s power source is drained and the item can’t be used until the power source is replaced or recharged.
The vitality point cost depends on the item being drained.
Power Source Example VP Cost
Simple device Datapad, comlink 2
Power pack Blaster, ion gun 4
Energy cell Lightsaber, Vibro 8
Portable generator E-Web repeating blaster, Droid 12
Power generators larger than portable units, such as a standard fusion generator like those found in power droids, vehicles, and ships, are too large to be affected by this skill.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Drain Energy check, but you can’t take 20.
Time: Drain Energy is a full-round action and provokes an attack of operation.
Vitality Point Cost: Depends on target item; see above.

Empathy (Wis)

Force skill; Requires the Force-Sensitive feat
You can reach into the Force to read a target's surface emotions, getting a sense of' the target's general state of mind. Check: An Empathy check allows you to sense a target's general mood, attitude, and emotional state. You can tell if the target is happy or sad. angry or indifferent. The target gets to make a Will save (DC 10 + your Force-using level) to resist your empathic probe. This save is a reaction that the target isn't even aware of. The target doesn't know his emotions are being read.
If the target's save fails, you get a sense of the target's mood. Determining the target's mood grants a Force bonus on the next skill check you make against the target within the next 10 rounds (1 minute) using one of the following interaction skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Entertain, or Sense Motive.
ResultForce Bonus to Interaction Skills
4 or less+1
Retry: You can't use Empathy on the same target again until after 24 hours have passed.
Special: You can take 10 when making an Empathy check, but you can't take 20.
A character with the Compassion feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Empathy checks.
Time: Empathy is an attack action. The Force bonus lasts for 10 rounds (1 minute) or until you make a skill check against the target using one of the interaction skills listed above.
Vitality Point Cost: 2.

Enhance Ability (Con)

Force Skill; Requires the Force-Sensitive feat
You can call on the Force to enhance your Strength or Dexterity for a short period of time.
Check: An Enhance Ability check grants a Force bonus to either your Strength or Dexterity, but not both. The result of the skill check determines the bonus.

Result Force Bonus
15-19 +2
20-24 +4
25-29 +6
30+ +8
Special: You can take 10 or take 20 when making an Enhance Ability check.
A character with the Attuned feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Enhance Ability checks.
Time: The Force bonus lasts for 10 rounds (1 minute). Enhance Ability is an attack action. If you take 20 when making this check, you spend 2 minutes and 60 vitality points to attain the best result possible.
Vitality Point Cost: 3.

Enhance Senses (Wis)

Force Skill; Requires the Force-Sensitive and Sense feats
You can use the Force to enhance your normal sensory capabilities.
Check: An Enhance Senses check acids a Force bonus to any Listen, Search, Sense Motive, or Spot checks. It also acids to Survival checks made to Find or follow tracks. The result of the Enhance Senses check indicates the bonus.
ResultForce Bonus
Special: You can take 10 or take 20 when making an Enhance Senses check.
A character with the Aware feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Enhance Senses checks.
Time: The Force bonus lasts for 10 minutes. Enhance Senses is an attack action. If you take 20 when making this check, you spend 2 minutes and 60 vitality points to attain the best result possible.
Vitality Point Cost: 3.

Farseeing (Wis)

Trained Only; Requires the Force-Sensitive and Sense feats
You can use the Force to gain vague impressions of events happening in other places or times. These are impressions only and usually focus on strong imagery and emotions. The past can’t change, so viewing such events relies on your getting the correct perceptions. The future is fluid, however, always in motion, and therefore subject to change. With the Farseeing skill, you can detect when your friends are in danger, examine significant details of a past event, or determine the probable outcome of a stated course of action.
Check: The DC of the Farseeing check is based on what you want to view. You must declare what kind of vision you seek to experience – the time, place, and/or person of the vision. Luke Skywalker, for example, concentrated on seeing his friends when he used this skill in The Empire Strikes Back.
Seeing another place is DC 15, seeing events of the past is DC 20, and seeing events of a possible future is DC 25. Since the future is mutable, the accuracy of such visions can be far from perfect. The higher the result, the more details you glean.
Reroll: You can also use Farseeing to gain a reroll after you fail an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. The DC for this is application of the skill is DC 25. If successful, and if you haven’t used the skill within the time listed below, you can check to gain a reroll to use immediately. Consider that the Force-user had an earlier vision that he or she is now taking advantage of to change the course of events. Though the vision took place earlier, you spend the vitality points (cost 9) when you make the check.
Special: In addition to entering a trance and seeking your own vision, the GM can use this skill to provide clues and visions to progress the campaign. As long as you have at least 1 rank in the skill, the GM can aid your character in this way. Of course, the more ranks you have in the skill, the better quality of the vision.
You can take 10 when making a Farseeing check, but you can’t take 20.
A character with the Link feat and at least 1 rank in this skill gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Farseeing checks.
Time: A Farseeing check takes 1 hour. You can only make one Farseeing check in any give week.
Vitality Point Cost: 3 (person or place, present), 6 past, 9 (future)

Fear (Wis)

Dark Side Skill; Requires the Force-Sensitive and Sense feats
Fear is the path to the dark side of the Force. You can manipulate the Force to learn what frightens others and use that against them, making them more susceptible to the lure of the dark side.
Check: A Fear check provides a Force penalty to a target’s skill checks and attack rolls. The result of the Fear check determines the target’s penalty. The target can negate the penalty by accepting a Dark Side Point.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Fear check, but you can’t take 20.
Using this skill gives a character a Dark Side Point.
Multiple uses of this skills against the same target are not cumulative.
A character with the Malevolent feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus of Fear checks.
Time: Fear is an attack action. The penalty lasts for 10 rounds or until the target takes a Dark Side Point.
Vitality Point Cost: 2

Force Defense (Cha)

Requires the Force-Sensitive and Control feats
You can use the Force to improve your resistance to Force-based attacks, wrapping yourself in the Force’s protective embrace.
Check: A Force Defense check adds a Force bonus to any saving throw made against a Force-based attack (including skills and feats). The result of the check indicates the amount of the bonus.
Result Force Bonus
10-14 +2
15-19 +4
20-24 +6
25-29 +8
30+ +10
Special: You can take 10 when making a Force Defense check, but you can’t take 20.
A character with the Mettle feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Force Defense checks.
Time: Force Defense is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The Force bonus lasts for 10 rounds (1 minute). It can also be used as a reaction against a specific Force attack (also lasting for 10 rounds), but in this case the Force bonus is half that given on the table above.
Vitality Point Cost: 3

Force Grip (Int)

Dark Side Skill; Requires the Force-Sensitive and Alter feats
You can use the Force to injure a single opponent by find the lines of energy that connect all things together and using them to grip an organ or crush a larynx.
Check: A Force Grip check sets the DC for the target’s Will saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d6 points of physical damage. On a successful save, the target takes half damage (round down).
Result DC
9 or less 10
10-19 15
20+ 20
Force Choke: In addition to the normal effects of Force Grip, you have the possibility of dazing your target by using Force Choke to cut off his airway. If the target fails his saving throw, he is dazed for 1 round in addition to taking full damage. This costs 6 vitality points (instead of the normal 4), but it otherwise functions as a normal Force Grip
Special: As long as you can see your target, you can use this Force skill. Distance doesn’t matter.
You can take 10 when making a Force Grip check, but you can’t take 20.
Using this skill gives the character a Dark Side Point.

A character with the Malevolent feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Force Grip checks.
Time: Force Grip is an attack action.
Vitality Point Cost: 4

Force Lightning (Int)

Dark Side Skill; Requires the Force-Sensitive and Alter feats
You can draw upon the dark side of the Force to blast one or more targets with deadly bolts of energy.
Check: Make a skill check to determine the amount of damage inflicted by Force Lightning.
Result Damage
14 or less No damage
15-19 2d6
20-29 2d8
30+ 2d10
Then make a ranged attack. If your attack hits, the target suffers the listed damage and must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 20). On a failed save, the target is dazed for 1 round. If the save fails by 10 or more, the target is instead dazed for 1d4+1 rounds. A dazed target falls prone as well.
Special: Force Lighting has a range of 10m.
You can take 10 on this skill but not take 20.
Because Force Lightning utilizes an attack roll, the attack has a threat range (a roll of 20 on a d20) and can be deflected as per the Jedi class ability.
Time: Force Lightning is an Attack Action.
Vitality Point Cost: 6

Force Stealth (Cha)

Requires the Force-Sensitive and Control feats
With this skill, your character can meditate and lose himself in the Force, avoiding Force-based detection.
Check: Use Force Stealth to avoid detection by means of the Force or to mask your presence from another Force-user. Your Force Stealth check is opposed by the See Force check of another Force-User. Whenever a Force-User wants to mask his presence in the Force, for whatever reason, he gathers the Force around him, meditates, and attempts to hide his connection to the Force.
No check is made until another character attempts to use the See Force skill (or Sense feat in some cases), but you must declare that you have activated the skill prior to that attempt, pay the vitality point cost, and still be within the time limit of the skill’s usefulness.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Force Stealth check, but you can’t take 20.
A character with the Focus feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Force Stealth checks.
Time: Force Stealth is a full round action and provokes an attack of opportunity. It lasts for 10 minutes. Once activated, Force Stealth remains in place to counter See Force checks until the time limit expires or until you use any Force skill. Using another Force skill solidifies your connection to the Force and makes masking your presence impossible.
Vitality Point Cost: 2

Force Strike (Int)

Requires the Force-Senstive and Alter feats
You can attack one or more opponents using the Force.
Check: A Force Strike check sets the DC for the target’s Reflex saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d4 points of physical damage. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.
Result DC
9 or less 10
10-19 15
20+ 20
Force Push: You can physically shove your target in addition to Force Strike's normal effects. By spending 4 vitality points (instead of the normal 2 vitality point cost of Force Strike), your target is pushed 2 meters directly away from you and knocked prone on a failed Reflex save. For every 5 ranks you have in Move Object, the target may be pushed back an additional 2 meters. In addition, the target gets a +4 bonus to its Reflex save for every size category greater than Medium, a –4 penalty to its Reflex save for every size category smaller, and a +4 bonus to its Reflex save if it has more than two legs or is otherwise more stable than a normal humanoid. In all other respects, Force Push functions the same as a normal use of Force Strike.
The pushed character moves in a straight line directly away from you and takes 1d6 points of damage (no save) if he hits an obstacle. The obstacle takes damage according to the pushed character's size (see Move Object table). If the obstacle is a character, he may make a Reflex save (DC 15 or as listed in table above, whichever is higher) to take half damage.
Special: Force Strike has a range of 10 meters. It can affect up to four targets standing adjacent to one another.
You can take 10 when making a Force Strike check, but you can’t take 20.
A character with the Focus feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Force Strike checks.
Time: Force Strike is an attack action.
Vitality Point Cost: 2

Friendship (Cha)

Trained Only; Requires the Force-Sensitive feat
You can use the Force to calm a hostile or unfriendly person or animal.
Check: A Friendship check alters the attitude of a hostle or unfriendly target, changing it to something more amiable. You don’t need to be able to communicate with the target. Instead of using words, you employ calming emotions through the use of the Force. Make the check, compare it to the list of DC’s on the table below, and apply the result for the highest DC that’s equal to or less than the check result.
New Attitude Currently Hostile Currently Unfriendly
Unfriendly 15 -
Indifferent 20 10
Friendly 25 15
Helpful 35 25
The result of a Friendship check sets the DC for the target's Will save.
Result Will Saving Throw DC
15-24 15
25-34 20
35+ 25
A successful saving throw means that Friendship has no effect on the target.
If the check fails (a result of 14 or less against a hostile character, or a result of 9 or less against an unfriendly character), the target’s attitude becomes worse by one category. If the check succeeds and the target fails his Will save, the target maintains the new attitude towards the Force-User until a situation occurs to alter that state.
When the Force-User ends contact with the target (by leaving the target’s immediate vicinity), the target can immediately make a Will saving throw (DC 20) to shake off the effects of Friendship. Otherwise, the Force-induced attitude fades in 1 hour.
Retry: You can make only one successful check involving a specific target per hour. (If your use of Friendship on a target that turns him from hostile to unfriendly, you can’t then follow that with a second check to try to improve the attitude of the now-unfriendly character). If the check fails, you can’t use Friendship on this target again until 24 hours have passed.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Friendship check, but you can’t take 20.
Time: Friendship is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Its effects last until something occurs to change the target’s attitude, or until 1 hour has passed.
Vitality Point Cost: 2

Heal Another (Wis)

Light Side Force Skill; Requires the Force-Sensitive and Alter feats
You can use the Force to heal damage taken by another person.
Check: This skill can restore vitality points, wound points, or ability score points lost by someone other than yourself. The result of the Heal Another check indicates the damage that is healed.
The table below indicates the amount of healing possible for the result you achieve, as well as the associated vitality point cost to you. You can always decide to heal fewer points than indicated by your check result and thus incur a lower vitality point cost.
Result Type/Amount of Healing Vitality Point Cost
10-14 Stabilize a dying character 1
15-19 Restore 1d4+1 vitality points 1
20-24 Restore 1d6+2 vitality points or 1d4+1 wound points or 1d2 ability points 2
25-29 Restore 1d8+4 vitality points or 1d6+2 wound points or 1d4+1 ability points 4
30+ Restore 2d6+6 vitality points or 1d8+4 wound points or 1d6+2 ability points 6
You must touch the target that you want to heal. Your target can’t receive healing that would increase her vitality points, wound points, or any of her ability scores beyond her full normal total. Any excess points restored are lost.
Retry: You can’t attempt to heal vitality damage to the same person a second tie until 1 hour has passed. You can’t attempt to heal wound damage or ability score damage to the same person a second time until 24 hours have passed.
Special: You can only restore ability score points lost to temporary effects such as poison or disease; permanent effects such as aging can’t be reversed with this skill.
You can take 10 when making a Heal Another check, but you can’t take 20.
A character with the Compassion feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Heal Another checks.
Time: Heal Another is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Vitality Point Cost: At least 1 (for a failure or a minimal success), but see above.

Heal Self (Cha)

Requires the Force-Sensitive and Control feats
You can use the Force to heal damage you have taken.
Check: This skill can restore vitality points, wound points, or ability score points you have lost. The result of the Heal Self check indicates the damage that is healed.

The table below indicates the amount of healing possible for the result you achieve, as well as the associated vitality point cost to you. You can always decide to heal at a category less than indicated by your check result and thus incur a lower vitality point cost.
Result Type/Amount of Healing Vitality Point Cost
10-14 Restore 1d4+1 vitality points 0
15-19 Restore 1d6+2 vitality points or 1d4+1 wound points or 1d2 ability points 0 or 1
20-24 Restore 1d8+4 vitality points or 1d6+2 wound points or 1d4+1 ability points 0 or 2
25+ Restore 2d6+6 vitality points or 1d8+4 wound points or 1d6+2 ability points 0 or 4
You can’t increase your vitality points, wound points, or any of her ability scores beyond your full normal total. Any excess points restored are lost.
Retry: You may only attempt a Heal Self check once per hour (for vitality points) or once per day (wound points or ability score points).
Special: You can only restore ability score points lost to temporary effects such as poison or disease; permanent effects such as aging can’t be reversed with this skill.
You can take 10 when making a Heal Self check, but you can’t take 20.
A character with the Attuned feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Heal Self checks.
Time: Heal Self is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Vitality Point Cost: 1 for failure, 0 for restoring vitality points, and either 1, 2, or 4 (see above) for restoring wound points or ability score points.

Illusion (Cha)

Requires the Force-Sensitive and Alter feats
You can use the Force to manifest false visual and auditory images that seem completely real to those who perceive them.
Check: This skill creates illusions to trick, distract, or even harm those who perceive them. (Though these illusions can’t cause physical harm, they can provoke fatal mistakes by those who don’t recognize them as unreal.)
Your Illusion check result sets the DC for the target’s Will saving throw.
Result Will Saving Throw DC
4 or less 10
5-14 15
15-24 20
25-34 25
35+ 30
The maximum range for this skill is 1,000 kilometers from the Force-user. The distance of the illusion from the Force-user modifies the vitality point cost.
Distance Vitality Point Cost/Round
10 meters 3
10 kilometers 5
100 kilometers 8
1,000 kilometers 10
Maintaining an illusion for more than a single round requires an attack action (but no additional skill check) and the vitality point expenditure, as well as a level of concentration. A Force-user can’t maintain an illusion while using other Force skills or engaging in distracting activity.
Special: Each person who perceives the illusion perceives the same event. Characters encountering an illusion can’t attempt a saving throw to recognize it as illusory until they study it carefully or interact with it in a significant fashion.
A successful saving throw against a Force illusion reveals it to be false and dispels the illusion.
A failed saving throw indicates that a character doesn’t notice anything is amiss. A character provided with incontrovertible proof that an illusion isn’t real doesn’t need to make a saving throw.
If a character makes a successful save against an illusion and communicates this knowledge to others in the area, each of these others immediately makes a Will saving throw with a +4 circumstance bonus to identify the illusion as false.
Using Illusion to perform a deadly act against a living target gives the Force-user a Dark Side Point.
You can take 10 when making an Illusion check, but you can’t take 20.
A character with the Mind Trick feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Illusion checks.
Time: Illusion is an attack action to activate and an attack action every round it is maintained.
Vitality Point Cost: Pay the cost given above for the appropriate distance during every round in which you maintain the illusion.

Move Object (Int)

Requires the Force-Sensitive and Alter feats
You can move objects and living beings using the Force.
Check: A Move Object check allows you to pick up and move an object or creature from a distance using the Force. You must be able to see the target object or creature to be moved, and it must be within 10 meters of your position to initially gather it up in the Force.
Result Maximum Weight Maximum Size Will Save DC Reflex Save DC Hurled Object Damage Vitality Point Cost
10-14 5 kg Tiny 10 n/a 1d3 1
15-19 50 kg Small 15 n/a 1d4 2
20-24 500 kg Medium 15 n/a 1d6 3
25-29 5 tons Large 20 20 2d6 4
30-34 50 tons Huge 20 25 4d6 5
35-39 500 tons Gargantuan 20 30 8d6 6
40-44 5,000 tons Colossal 20 35 10d6 7
+5 x10 +1 category 20 +5 +2d6 +1
Moving an Object: Lifting or moving an object is a simple task. The maximum weight and size of object that you can move is determined by your check result, as shown on the table. You may move the object 4 meters, doubling the distance for every 5 points by which your check exceeds the roll necessary for an object of that size.
For example, if you want to move a Medium-sized object and your Move Object check result is 31, you may move it up to 16 meters. (You may voluntarily lower your check result to reduce the vitality point cost.)
You can continue to move the object on subsequent rounds by continuing to make successful checks and spending vitality points. If you fail a check in any subsequent round while attempting to move an object, the object falls to the ground.
If two Force-users contest control of an object, use opposed Move Object checks. The Force-user who rolls the higher result gains control for that round. If the target object is in the possession of another character (in other words, carried on their person), that character may make a Will save against the listed DC to negate the effect. If you move an object and then drop it on another character, resolve using the rules for Hurling Objects (below). In the case of a physical obstruction, such as a ship stuck in the mud or caught under a fallen tree, the GM applies a penalty to your Move Object check using these guidelines: –5 for a slight obstruction, –10 for a moderate obstruction, and –15 for a severe obstruction.
Moving a Character: Using the Move Object skill on a character (in other words, a living being or droid) allows it a Will saving throw against the listed DC. If the target fails its save, treat it as an object for purposes of determining distance moved. If the target succeeds, the skill has no effect and you still expend the vitality point cost. A target can willingly forgo its saving throw. A character can move himself with Move Object, albeit at a –10 penalty to his Move Object check.
Moving a Vehicle: Using the Move Object skill on a vehicle or starship that is being piloted is more difficult than moving an inert object. The driver can make an opposed Pilot check as a reaction, adding a +4 bonus to his Pilot check for every size his vehicle is above Medium. If your Move Object result beats the opposed check and if your Move Object check is sufficient for the normal DC of an object of the vehicle's size and weight, you may move the vehicle normally.
Hurl Object: Move Object can be used to attack by throwing objects or characters. If your check result is high enough for the object's size or weight (whichever is greater), you may hurl the object up to 4 meters to strike another target. If you exceed this result by 5 or more points, the distance you can move the hurled object doubles (as above), and it inflicts extra damage because you are hurling it with more energy.
Hurling an object requires a ranged attack roll to hit your target. Treat it as a weapon with a range increment of 10 meters, a threat range of 20, and no maximum range (although your check result will set an effective maximum). When hurling an object of up to Medium size, you must beat the target's Defense as per a normal ranged attack. When hurling an object of Large or greater size, treat the hurled object as a grenade-like weapon (no threat range). Anyone in the square(s) the hurled object lands in can make a Reflex save against the listed DC to take half damage. Being struck by a Large or greater size hurled object is otherwise treated as being struck by a falling object, possibly pinning the target or moving it to an unoccupied square (see page 289).
If using Move Object to lift and drop an object as an attack, both the object and the target take normal falling damage instead of the damage listed on the table above; however, you must still make a ranged attack roll to hit your intended target. Calculate your range penalty based on the range to your target or the distance the object is dropped, whichever is greater.
If the hurled object is a vehicle or character, the check is either resisted by a Will save or opposed by a Pilot check, as described above. A hurled vehicle or character takes the listed damage according to the Move Object check result (no save allowed).
Force Jump: You can use the Force to add extra power to your leaps. By spending vitality points the same vitality necessary to move an object of the character's size and weight while using the Jump skill, you can add your ranks in Move Object to you Jump result. If you use this option, the distance jumped and your maximum jump distance are tripled.
Force Fall: You can use the Force to fall safely. When you intentionally jump down from a height, you may attempt a Jump check (DC 15) to reduce the effective total distance by 4 meters. By expending the same vitality necessary to move an object of the character's size and weight, you can add your ranks in Move Object for your Jump check result, and for every 3 points by which you beat the Jump check DC of 15, you can reduce the effective distance fallen by another 4 meters.
Multi-Target: You can lift or move multiple objects simultaneously, provided they are all within 4 meters of each other. This requires a full-round action (rather than a move or attack action). The base DC and vitality cost is set by the heaviest object in the group, and each additional object (regardless of its size) adds +2 to the DC and 2 vitality point cost. A target can’t be struck by multiple objects as part of the same action.
Fine Manipulation: The control of Move Object is generally not so delicate that you can operate machinery via the Force — at least, not as easily as doing it manually. When you wish to move only part of an object, such as pushing a button or pulling a lever, you may do so with a Move Object check against DC 10 (expending 1 vitality point) as a move action. If the object is physically held by a resisting individual, the individual makes a Will saving throw (DC 5 + your Force-User level) to foil your attempt (though you still spend the move action and the vitality point). You can use the multi-target option above in conjunction with this application, perhaps flicking several switches or pushing several buttons simultaneously.
If you use this ability to activate a weapon (say, pulling the trigger on a blaster, or igniting a lightsaber), you have no control over its effect. That is, you cannot pull the trigger on a holstered blaster to have it shoot the wearer in the foot. At best, you could hope for a moment’s distraction by activating the weapon. An obvious exception is if you have prearranged for the weapon to be pointing at your target (for example, by tying a lightsaber under someone’s chin, with the blade end facing up).
Forcing Locks: You can perform simple mechanical operations.
Time: Moving an unattended object is a move action. Hurling an object, making an opposed Move Object check, or moving an attended object, resisting character, or piloted vehicle is a full-round action.
Vitality Point Cost: 1 or more (see above).

See Force (Wis)

Requires the Force-Sensitive and Sense feats
You can detect the presence of the Force in a person or locate someone strong in the Force by examining the emanations and currents in the Force.
Check: See Force detects the relative strength of the Force in a place or person, or reveals the presence of other Force-Users. Your See Force check is opposed by the Force Stealth check of another Force-User. If there is someone or something to detect, you spot a glowing line for energy in the Force, more brilliant than the presence of non-Force-users, and mentally follow it to its source.
You can use this skill on a specific target within your sphere of influence (a radius in meters equal to 100 x your Force-user level). On a successful check, the GM reveals whether or not the target is a Force-user (if the target has the Force-Sensitive feat, the target is a Force-user) and, if so, the relative strength of the target’s Force-using ability compared to your own. (If the target has more levels in Force-using classes than you do, the target is more powerful than you are.) You don’t have to be able to see your target, but you should have a general idea that someone’s there. (For instance, you could use See Force on an enemy pilot, even if you couldn’t see him, as long as he was within range.)
You can also use See Force to examine currents and emanations in the Force to reveal the presence of other Force-users within your sphere of influence (which is 100 meters x your Force-user level). Darth Vader used this application to sense Obi-Wan Kenobi on the Death Star in A New Hope.
If there is no Force Stealth check to oppose your See Force check, the DC is 25 minus the Force-user level of the target that could be sensed (you sense the closest target with the first check, and subsequent checks reveal other targets, if there are any, ranging out from there).
Special: You can take 10 when making a See Force check, but you can’t take 20.
A character with the Aware feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on See Force checks.
Time: See Force is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Vitality Point Cost: 3

Telepathy (Wis)

Requires the Force-Sensitive and Sense feats
You can use the Force to establish a mental link with a specific target. Through the link, you can exchange emotions and a single thought, such as “Go!”, “Help!”, or “Danger!”
Check: A Telepathy check establishes a mental link with a specific target. For a friendly target, the check is against a DC 10 (modified by distance as shown below). For hostile targets, the check must exceed the target’s Will saving throw or DC 15, whichever is higher. (Add the distance modifier to the save result or the DC as appropriate.) The maximum range for this skill depends on whether the target you want to contact is Force-Sensitive (has the Force-Sensitive feat).
Max Range (Non-Force) Max Range (Force) Distance Modifier
10m 10km +0
100m 100km +10
1,000m 1,000km +20
Special: You can take 10 or take 20 when making a Telepathy check.
A character with the Link feat gets a +2 aptitude bonus on Telepathy checks.
Time: A Telepathy check is a move action.
Vitality Point Cost: 3